"My passion is to create influence and purpose in people. I bring 12+ years of Leadership experience ranging from Military Special Operations to Amazon Fulfillment and Leadership Development. I am a published author and speaker in the leadership profession. I am consistently able to deliver results through teaching, coaching, and listening. I yield an unmatching level of ownership and empathy from the individual and collective levels by providing detailed analysis designed for the strategic long-term. I thrive in ever-changing and complex environments by developing a team’s resiliency, adaptability, and interpersonal skill." - Linkedin
Check out his book:
Leadership Dark Matter - May 25, 2020
Leadership Dark Matter is a guide for aspiring and current leaders, and given the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, its contents could not be more relevant. This unprecedented time calls for true leaders to lead their people with compassion, innovation, and resiliency. When this global emergency finally subsides, people will remember how they were led. This trying time proves leadership applies to any organization or industry. This book defines leadership at the individual and collective level. It provides a unique and emotional range of experiences, scenarios, and recommendations from a veteran's perspective. This book encourages leaders to stop looking at the clock and to start looking at the calendar! It describes what a leader is for: creating influence and purpose in people. It addresses what leaders do: they plan, they assess, they review, and they critique. Leaders know that the people they lead are more important then any metric, technology, or product. Leadership is a profession that requires expertise and trust. It's the most important role that any one person can ever hold.